Biologists & Datascientists Team
- 15+ years of experience
- Flexible and Custom Protocols
- Immunology Experts & Customer Focus
Supporting developers of cell therapies, biologics and biomarkers
Next Generation Service Provider
Data driven tools, focused on immune and tumor cells, leveraging cutting edge wet lab experiments and AI-powered data science.
Integrated technological platform, dedicated to cell phenotyping, bulk & single cell omics and data analysis
Discover our tools in Flow Cytometry & Sorting, Bulk or SingleCell RNAseq, TCRseq, CITEseq, ATACseq...
Go to Wet LabsClick to discover our tools to analyze your datasets, with advanced bio-informatics & pipelines, powered by AI
Go to Data ScienceBoost Your Research Programs
Boost your research programs, including fundamental and translational research
Look how Parean biotechnologies
supports researchers to drive discoveries
3 Experts from the Pharmaceutical Industry, Academic Research and Biotech