Immudex dCODE Partnership 2025

10x Genomics Certified Supplier 2024

ISO 9001 Renewal 2024

"CIR" Agreement Renewal 2024-2026 2024

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Look how Parean biotechnologies inspires researchers to drive discoveries

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Our platform has the potential to boost research programs in several clinical fields


TCR-based therapies & biomarkers

Immune Repertoire reveals unlimited opportunities for new discoveries, either to understand immune response, decipher specific patterns, study TILs or develop new TCR-based therapies

At Parean, we gather 15+ years of expertise in immune repertoire research, and have developed an integrated platform for TCR lead generation, TCR bioassays and TCR datascience

  • TCR-Based Therapies

    TCR-discovery platform
    TCR generation & Optimization
    AI-based tools

  • TCR Characterization

    TCR-Ag specificity
    scTCRseq & multiomics
    Diversity & clonality

  • TCR Data Science

    Dedicated pipelines
    Extensive Public Dataset
    MultiOmics Integration

TCR-Discovery Platform TCR Wet Labs TCR DataScience

Oncology &

Uncover immune cells roles in oncology

Immune system is a key component of tumor growth, metastasis dissemination and response to treatment.

Immune cells can drastically change the course of tumor cells proliferation, and many subpopulations can co-exist within a specific tumor micro environment. This is where flow cytometry and omics can help in many areas, reaching a new level of information.

  • Tumor immune microenvironment

    Uncover the influence of tumor immune infiltration.
    Identify diverse transcriptomic phenotypes driving the therapeutic response.

  • Intratumoral heterogeneity

    Decipher intratumoral heterogeneity.
    Track transcriptomic modulators, within tumors and across cancer types.

  • Immuno-oncology

    Characterize immune cell modulation in tumor progression.
    Immune repertoire of infiltrating vs circulating immune cells.
    Predict and monitor immune-related adverse events.

  • Therapeutic development

    Discover new targets, explore how therapeutics modulate cell populations, and understand resistance mechanisms.

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Cell &
Gene therapies

Develop & Monitor New Cell Therapies

Cell and gene therapies have made significant advancements, reshaping the treatment landscape for monogenic diseases and cancer. These therapies presents challenges in maintaining consistent quality, and long term efficacy.

At Parean, we are dedicated to leverage the use of omics technologies to address the complexity of cell and gene products, and develop specific protocols tailored for cell therapy developer.

  • Characterise cell & gene therapies

    Explore diversity in genetic modifications, lineage, or state, impacting efficacy & safety.
    Identify cellular heterogeneity within treated populations.

  • Explore drug resistance

    Evaluate CAR-T cell exhaustion
    Use scCITE-seq to correlate RNAseq with protein expression, and relevant functional T cell phenotypes.

  • Predict off-target and toxicity

    Phenotype mural cells expressing CD19.
    Evaluate CD19 expression using comprehensive human single-cell reference databases.

  • QC & Immune Monitoring

    Cell phenotyping before and after infusion.
    Track immunogenicity and key immune cells molecular changes during a clinical trial.

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Auto-immunity &

Delve into auto-immune reponse using repertoire and transcriptomics

Auto-immunity and inflammation components are present in various diseases, and requires translational research programs.

Characterizing sub populations of key immune cells and relevant tissue became a challenge requiring strong cyotmetry and sorting protocols, and in depth phenotyping using NGS sequencing technologies

  • Identify Rare Cell Phenotypes

    Cluster different T & B cells in sjogren syndrome.
    Phenotype Gamma Delta T.
    Track Tregs in Lupus.

  • Assess antigen specificity

    Correlate Organ-specific auto-antigens with immune repertoire.
    Identify specific subpopulation expressing a defined antigen.

  • Immune Repertoire Changes

    Assess immune repertoire diversity at different timepoints.
    Correlate immune repertoire with clinical outcomes

  • Dynamic Immune Monitoring

    Track immune cells numbers at different timepoints
    Phenotype immune cells changes over the course of a diseases

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Explore Immune and Rare Cell populations response in neurology.

Gain a richer understanding of the nervous system and accelerate the discovery of fundamental biology driving multifactorial neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson, SLA, ..).

  • Multiple Sclerosis

    Tregs deficiency or dysfunction
    Cells phenotype correlation with inflammation.
    B cells involved in auto-antibodies production

  • ALS

    Integrate multi datasets to identify best patient subgroup responder.
    Characterize T Regs modulating neuro-inflammation.

  • Parkinson Disease

    Compare peripheral monocytes with macrophages in CNS.
    Integrate very cells population correlated with disease stage.

  • Immune Monitoring

    Track immune cells numbers at different timepoints
    Phenotype immune cells changes over the course of a diseases

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Wet Labs & Datascience Services

Integrated technological platform, dedicated to cell phenotyping, omics generation and data analysis

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